4 workshops (1 per calendar quarter) are planned.

December 14, 2024 – 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
(Onsite – no streaming)
Content of all workshops: Qualitiy, stamina and understanding in standing poses and inversions practice; communication skills and effective teaching.
Special focus in the particular workshops:
- I: Uttitha standing poses and forward extensions
- II: Sitting, twisting and belly poses and inversions
- III: Backward extensions, parivrtta standing poses and special sequences
- IV: Restorative practice and pranayama; teaching techniques
Structure of the weekends:
[„Optional“ and with a separate registration and fee are the first and last items (Friday 5-7:00 PM Practice and Sunday 9:00 AM practice and question-answer). „Required“ are the parts in the middle of the list below (Friday 7:15-8:30 PM online and Saturday onsite)].
- Fridays – Invitation to online Level-2-Class 5 – 7:00 PM (separate fee, optional);
- Fridays – Online Question-Answer and or Pranayama practice 7:15 – 8:30 PM (Recordings available)
- Saturdays – Onsite in Prague, 10 – 13 and 14:30 – 17:30 PM
- Sundays – Invitation to online restorative practice with pranayama 9 – 10:30 AM and possible question-answer (timing open end; separate fee, optional)